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Supplying birth pools to women, hospitals and birth centres across Australia.


Replica Oasis Elite Doll Birthing Pool


The ultimate educational toy, for kids and adults to play with. Explore, exhibit, educate – the choice is yours .
46 x 38 x 18cm
0.5 kg
Originally designed in collaboration with MomAmordolls – available at www.momamordoll.com
Can use with the smallest nozzle of an air pump, but small enough to inflate yourself.

Doll NOT Included.

Go on, you know you want to!

Category: .

Product Description

Great news for all Birth Workers, Childbirth Educators, Midwives, Doulas, Mums and Siblings – Introducing the cutest ever Teeny Tiny Birth pool
for Dolls!
We figure this is a fabulous educational tool, have it on your exhibition table, introduce siblings to the idea of waterbirth, use it with a doll (not provided) to demonstrate positions for labour and birth.

Doll NOT included!

Additional Information

Dimensions 22 × 19 × 6 cm
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